Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama is a proponent for single payer govenment run health care!


Obama tries to deny the fact that he wants a single payer system for health care. The only problem is that they have him on tape saying that he's a proponent of single payer health care. So why doesn't Obama and the rest come clean and admit that they want a single payer system? It's because just like Barney Frank admits that if you start from scratch with single payer "we don't have the votes for it" "but if we could get a good public option, i believe it could lead to single payer" So the basic idea is for Obama to start with two and when the insurance companies can't compete we end up with One government run health plan. (Single Payer)


  1. Yeah. No one can think with the data! It's all about keeping others down and keeping others ignorant.
    What really pushed my button was this Mothers Act bill in Illinois to force psychiatric screening at hospitals for all new mothers and babies. Obama was a co-signer of the bill but I have a feeling it was all him. He was also the one who wanted returning soldiers psych screened. Nothing could piss me off more. Psychiatry and psychology is an industry of death and should be exposed and completely abolished.
    Check out this site, CCHR.com

  2. Hey I went to the CCHR site and I found the "Mothers Act bill" That sounds insane, I can't believe I didn't hear about that before. How did you come across it? I want to link to it on my page so other people can read about it i just want to find out some more info first.

  3. Well I don't have any links to a copy of the bill but if you google search mothers act bill you'll get a petition against it. I'd paste it but for some reason my links aren't showing, spooky.

    If you email me your mailing address I'll send you a copy of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights new DVD Making a Killing The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging


    I agree, it is insane. It's a precarious situation and the more CCHR videos you watch, plenty are on youtube, the more you'll see how invlaid it all is. They have no tests of any kind to prove someone has a mental illness. Now I've known this and my ER nurse mom has known this but many don't. And the drugs are like partial labotomies to be realistic.

