Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama leaves nothing up to chance!

Since the very beginning of his campaign for the Presidency of the United States Obama has left nothing up to chance. What do i mean by that? I mean that everything is staged so that his delicate ego will not be hurt if god forbid someone should actually ask him a serious question. If you go back and examine Obama's "town hall meetings" of the campaign trail as well as those of his Presidency you will begin to see a pattern emerging - All the questions are all STAGED and all the people are connected to the Obama campaign one way or another.

Michelle Malkin lays out a number of people that were "picked randomly" at these town hall meets. It turns out they weren't so random after all: Take a look

One of Ann Colters's sayings is that if the Liberals accuse the right of doing something, they are usually doing it themselves. This is a perfect example of Ann's point. The Liberals accuse real American of giving off "manufactured" anger and of being recruited by the RNC. That is exactly what the Left is doing! The unions and the DNC are the ones getting people to show up to these town hall meetings and command the debate. They say the opponents of the government-run health care bill aren't acting on a spur of the moment thing they are recruited, yet we're the ones carrying the homemade signs with the paint not yet dry while ACORN and the SEIU members are passing out pre-made tee shirts and banners. It doesn't make sense!

The latest "Obama prop" came out today in the form of little 11 year old Julia Hall. Julia wasted no time "getting down to business" asking the president a tough question. "As I was walking in I saw a lot of signs outside saying mean things about reforming health care. How do kids know what is true and why do people want a new system that can help more of us"
OMG!!! that's a tough one, I can see Obama sweating trying to figure out an answer to that one!! I mean god forbid anyone should ask him a question where he can't just spew out his talking points for 5 minuets!

Now I understand Obama is trying to pass this off as "look how cute she is" "and yet so involved", but what they don't tell you is that there is much more to this little girl than meets the eye. Julia’s mother happened to be an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden. She also was on the New England Finance and Steering Committee for Barack Obama and helped support his campaign. Wow, shocking. I wouldn't have guessed that she has anything to do with Obama. I just though this little girl was chosen "Randomly"

1 comment:

  1. Yes and the video you saw the first hour of, did you get into the people he elected into the cabinet and how they are all wall street financiers? I don't know the figures but something like 400 mill went into his campaign by these bankers who actually run the show. These are the multi trillionaires you see. They own most major media companies which break down into like 4 major groups like Time Warner Cable which then owns CNN HBO Fortune Magazine,
    here is a list...
    I point this out to give you an idea just how much influence they can have. It's covered in the film.

    The deffintion from merriam websters


    1 : government by the few
    2 : a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; also : a group exercising such control
    3 : an organization under oligarchic control

    They refer to this country being run by an oligarchy because the Bilderburg group sets the policies. It's explained in The Obama Deception. They are causing the market crashes, causing the "oil shortages" and setting the gas prices, and possibly trying to gain land and recources through wars.

    Wars that have not been provoked by a country but rather one radical group. Wars that I'm sure you agree go on unjustified when good communication is all that is needed.
